Existence is relational



Universal consciousness

We need stories to solidify the relationship between internal and external worlds. To structure society and culture. Stories help us to remember the past and to predict the future. Pleaiades rises into the sky in spring; a signal that things would be getting warmer. The story is this observation and experience translated into symbol. Amaterasu the sun god returning to the sky, lured out by jewels which then form the constellation.

The symbols were understood when they were used first, derived as they were from observations and experiences. They were a well recognised language of living. The need for the story was real; the message was one of survival and wonder. The stories constructed humanity in connection with the universe, as we read it to live, and lived amongst it. The stories maintained an equilibrium. Shamans helped to translate and interpret these stories, for the benefit of the collective.

Over time the stories became more abstract, as different methods of remembering and predicting and relating to the universe became common. New stories formed, which were stained indelibly by the structures from which they emerged, the societies that wove them; always to maintain order, the way things were, to continue the cycles of humanity. The morality of the day was embedded into the story.

But humanity began spiralling outwards, offset from the cycle of things. The 'order' was one of power accumulation, the stories captured by lineages of domination; family, profession, state, dynasty, gender; divorced from the collective [universal] self.

We tell stories for which we have forgotten the symbolic language, or the symbols are shrouded in mystery and debate. Where is the line between literal and fugurative? People seem to need mythos and logos, but they also seem to confuse the two, or privilege one above the other.

The stories we tell relate to past societies and structures which dominated and oppressed and were hierarchical, and the stories were told to maintain the order associated with these structures. THE STORY OF CIVILIZATION IS THE STORY OF DOMINATION. Achilles killing Hector and desecrating the body, going on to raze a city to reclaim Helen as property. As a collective consciousness, we simultaneously recognise the distinction between metaphor and plain speech, and fail to appreciate the significance of the underlying message. Because the symbols are abstract, and because the rubric was designed for a different time. The stories are out of sync, the symbolic language abstracted; but the symbols still retain meaning inside our bodies.

We no longer need to use the stars to determine when beltane is imminent; so the stories are seen as absurd and whimsical. The hero's journey is seen as a template for self; but to what end is the hero journeying? We no longer need to control populations in order to maintain regionalised accumulations of capital and power. This story of domination, that we live in, is terrifying and dangerous for all life on Earth.

Love as constructed by LEITKULTUR is harmful to all and confusing in its application to solidarity and collectivity.

Love has been monopolised by the cisgender heterosexual monogamous partnership/marriage archetype. Love can exist within and referent to this relationship, and must be performed in accordance with the rules of etiquette. But the love is a bizarre love and refers more to the constructed roles performed than the bodies and beings underneath.

men in an office - based on a true story

A man is sitting at his desk. His legs idly stretch until they meet the bunched up cables that represent the extent of his territory. He‘s not really working but is trying to find out the cricket score for the match currently taking place at Lord(‘)s(’) (the home of cricket). He asks for a pay rise later that day and probably gets it. He gets a bonus for continuously improving and reaching the bunched up cables with his toes.

This other man is speaking loudly in a meeting, professing to know much more about the topic (it doesn’t matter what the topic is; electricity, water, space, or food) than anyone else. All the other men in the meeting think, actually, I know more about cutting grass, concrete, flanking manoeuvres, and gyms. When he stops talking they all clamour to speak.

A man sits and cries on the toilet as he remembers how a different man spoke to him about something (nothing) he had done. It had made him feel like worthless shit, as was the intention. He goes home later and cries some more, then commits suicide the next day. Everyone says; what a shock and surprise. He seemed so happy to be treated like shit 100% of the time.

The boss is a man, as is the tradition. He’s bad at work but he is friends with other bosses, can speak with lots of words, can drink wine quickly and lie about what it tastes like, and is confident enough to ignore everyone till someone says, you’re the boss now. What is work though? It’s not work or labour, but it is employment or employing. Being good at employing is what this boss man is good at. Being good at employing is being good at controlling but also being controlled as well as being good at being confident and ignoring people: this man is good at those things.

A different (?) man walks into the same (?) office with a knife or a gun or a bomb and kills lots of people. He doesn’t mind, it’s what he was trying to do. He’s a far right white nationalist, he’s an fundamentalist Islamist, he’s a young man with a grudge, he hates women, he hates gay people, he’s a Hindu nationalist, he’s an eco-fascist, he’s angry and upset and killing people is really the only solution. He’s dead later as well and nothing has changed.

Someone (a man) eats a sandwich with too much moisture in his mouth and grosses everyone out. Too noisy. Close your mouth.

The security guard who sits at the front desk is also a man. He wants something interesting to happen - no, he doesn’t. He wants an easy life. Other men bristle when he comes close because he is professionally strong and can hit people with a stick if needed.

A small man paints a beautiful picture on a canvas and a passing man flicks a piece of chewing gum onto it. An improvement in some ways, it’s postmodern. The flicker has read the art of war and thinks that makes him strategic, the flickee has read a lot of Shakespeare and thinks it makes him learn-ed (pronounced learn Ed).

A slight stubble or a full beard or a smooth chin? It makes no difference really.

One man has a large penis, one has a small penis, and another has a medium penis. They are all bad people with no morals or ethics.

Too many men are wearing suits, with ties, and with cuff links. Wtf? Take off your cummerbunds.

The man at the desk loves to joke. When you try to get in, he ignores you for as long as possible.
God is self. Self is other; there is no other [nos/otros = nosotros [Gloria Anzaldua]]. Self is the universe. The universe is god [Hazrat Inayat Khan]. God is a word used to convey this, because it is difficult to convey without a word dedicated to this circularity. Self becomes god becomes metaphor becomes symbol becomes image becomes Man; the concept is stained.

Love self = love the universe.

Consciousness is the experience of self. Enlightenment is derived from desire [Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar], transformed from drives [Bernard Steigler] .

We have to learn how to conjure desire, to learn to live. How to kindle desire and keep it alive.
Everyone lives in a different timeline. This timeline is affected by the human cycle of energetic embodied states of being; often associated with waking energy, moods or emotions. This occurs within the mindbody system, at "human scale". The diurnal pattern of life is set by the circadian clock; an oscillator with a 24 hour period, reset every day by environmental observations of light and temperature. On top of this oscillation sit loops of energetic availability and hormonal cycles. All are affected, and some are driven by, external habits of consumption; the inputs to the mindbody system. Many will try to modify their own cycles for various reasons. It is possible to induce changes of state at this scale through movement and action and thought. These are Human Scale waves of time.

Seasonal celebrations such as Ostara (spring equinox, associated with fertility and opening, and the lambs and eggs and seeds); Religious festivals of significance, some of which derived from seasonal harvesting patterns; astrological systems of divination and world building [please let me know if you have more examples]. These rythms overlay the mindbody scale human cycle, on a Collective Universal Scale. They provide a longwave rhythm to life, the energetically imbued punctuation of social activity, culture building, transindividuation.

Capitalist patriarchal white supremacist universalist rational fordist Smithian-division-of-labour dominant culture overlays these cycles with the regimented, metronomic, relentless, shortwave clock-time cycle. 24 hours is Human Scale; but the work week is not; the hour is not; the minute is not; and the second and subdivisions thereof are not. They are inorganically imposed upon us by dominant lineages, in order to meet the needs of those who impose them.
Top down construction of humanity: identity as a universalist patchwork quilt laid over all of humanity; fundamentally impossible to patch all variations of humanity into this quilt.

Bottom up construction of humanity; starts with individual mindbodies as uniquely derived from each person's experience at the base, working up to the universal singularity. Defining not by difference to the top, but from the elements that form the self at the bottom of it all.
People don't need to be dominated; they need to explore gently and with love how to become human, and to be helped in so doing consensually